Economic Development, Tourism, & Film Commission
The Economic Development, Tourism, and Film Commission (EDTFC) is a committee that holds regular meetings and is managed by our Economic Development Department. Please see Agendas and Minutes for upcoming and past meeting's agendas and minutes. All meetings are open to the public. If you would like to receive meeting notifications and agendas, please e-mail your request to
Commissioners are volunteers, appointed to the Commission by the Board of Supervisors for four-year terms.
- Chair: Geoff McQuilkin (at-large)
- Vice Chair: Michael Vanderhurst (D1)
- Scott Burkard (at-large)
- Erinn Wells (D4)
- Steve Morrison (D5)
- Sarah Walsh (D3)
- Florene Trainor (D2)
Community Grant Programs: If you would like to be notified by e-mail when Community Grant Program applications are available, please send a request to Liz Grans at