Health Equity

Mono County Public Health's vision is to foster a community where everyone has fair access to services and is able to achieve their best health. Equity is central to all programs at Mono County Health Department. To achieve health equity, we address the social disparities that contribute to poor health. Disparities come from geography, poverty, discrimination, lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality housing, and health care. County equity strategies aim to center community voice, share power and prioritize community-driven solutions. 

La vision de Salud Pública del Condado de Mono es presenciar una comunidad donde todos tengan un acceso justo a los servicios y puedan lograr la mejor salud. La equidad es fundamental para todos los programas del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Mono. Para lograr la equidad en la salud, nos dirigimos a las desigualdades sociales que contribuyen a las malas condiciones de salud. Las desigualdades provienen de la geografía, la pobreza, la discriminación, la falta de acceso a buenos puestos de trabajo con un salario justo, vivienda de calidad, y la atención de la salud. Las estrategias de igualdad del condado pretenden centrar la voz de la comunidad, compartir el poder y dar prioridad a las soluciones impulsadas por la comunidad.


Land Acknowledgment

In respect to the Indigenous People and Tribal Elders, past, and present, the Bridgeport Indian Colony, Mono Lake Kutzadika Tribe, and Utu Utu Gwaitu Tribe are the indigenous People who live within this, their ancestral homeland from time immemorial to the present and have been the caretakers of these lands, waters, and all natural resources for the benefit of the environment and of all living things. We who live in Mono County offer this land acknowledgment with a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration.